John P. Goodman DDS

Dry Mouth Symptoms and Treatment

Sep 12, 2011 @ 01:05 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Dry Mouth Bad Breath General Dentistry

Dry Mouth (also known as Xerostemia, Hyposalivation, or "Cotton Mouth") to Dr. John P. Goodman is explained as "a very common condition that can cause severe problems if left untreated." When the mouth isn't producing enough of the bacteria-killing saliva, it can cause a lot of discomfort and minor to severe symptoms allowing further complications to develop. Even a mild case of Dry Mouth can have daily life inhibiting symptoms. Schedule a Consultation with Dr. John P. Goodman to get your Dry Mouth treatment and results immediately. 

What Causes Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth literally causes your mouth to feel dry. Lack of taste and saliva complemented with bad breath no matter how many times you brush, is usually the easiest way to tell if you are suffering from Dry Mouth. Mouth sores, soreness, and cracks at the corner of the mouth are generally present with Dry Mouth. A pebbled-colored tongue, white film, and difficulty speaking is very common with Dry Mouth as well. Dry or spicy foods become difficult to eat and food usually doesn't have the same taste it normally does. The most debilitating symptom can be waking up during the night making you tired throughout your day. There are many health risks of having Dry Mouth including the possibility of development of other conditions just due to symptoms alone. Dry mouth can not only affect one's physical health, but take a toll on mental health as well.

Dr. John P. Goodman believes in diagnosing a cause before designing a personalized treatment plan for Dry Mouth. Dry Mouth is generally caused by dehydration, certain medications or products, and as a side-effect of conditions, or one's lifestyle. It can also be a side-effect of certain conditions or treatments such as Alzheimer's, Anemia, Diabetes, Chemotherapy or other forms of treatment for Cancer, Parkinson's and more. Also, treatment in the form of medication for many other conditions is a huge factor for the development Dry Mouth in our society.

Over 400 commonly prescribed medications have listed "Dry Mouth" as a main side-effect. You could be at risk for dry mouth if you are taking medications for any of the following symptoms/conditions: Acne, Addiction, Allergies, Alzheimer's, Anti-biotics, Antipsychotics, antispasmodic medications, antiviral, appetite surpression, arthritis/joint pain, asthma/lung conditions, ADD/ADHD, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Bladder/Urinary Tract Infections, Cancer/Oncology, Cold/Cough, Crohn's Disease/Ulcerative Colitis, Diarrhea, Diuretic/Water Retention, Epilepsy, Erectile Dysfunction, Fungal Infections, Glaucoma, Heartburn/GERD/Reflux/Ulcer, Heart Disease/High Blood Pressure, Hepatitis C, High Cholesterol, HIV, Hormone Therapy, Kidney Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, Mental Health Conditions, Migraines, Muscle Relaxers, Multiple Sclerosis, Nausea, Organ Transplant, Osteoporosis, Overactive Bladder, Pain: Analgesics or Narcotics, Parkinson's, Pituitary Gland Tumor, Skin Conditions, Sleep Disorders, Surgery Preperation, and Thyroid issues.

Dry Mouth Treatment

Dr. Goodman has several recommendations for each case of Dry Mouth from simple or dramatic changes to specific products. Treatment can vary depending on the cause and severity of your condition.  Options for treatment can be as simple as drinking more water, diet change, or switching from alcohol based mouthwash to non-alcoholic.  Lifestyle changes such as limiting or quitting alcohol, smoking, and substance abuse may be required to terminate Dry Mouth altogether for long-term results and prevention.  There are several options for products treatment such as artificial saliva with oral lubricants, gums, and oral rinses, however, it is always recommended to consult with Dr. John Goodman before trying products. 

If you believe you or someone you know is suffering from Dry Mouth symptoms, please call our friendly office staff at 816-842-8585 or send us a message to find your personalized solution.