John P. Goodman DDS

Dental Hygiene Brushing Tips and Best Dental Products

Sep 15, 2011 @ 12:58 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: General Dentistry Teeth Whitening Dry Mouth Teeth Sensitivity Dental Products

 Dr. John P. Goodman and our Hygienist, Stacy give you the 411 on the best products and tips to optimize your Dental Health.

Tooth Brush 

Any electronic toothbrushes are recommended by our Hygienist, Stacy Thompson. Stacy's favorite brand of electronic toothbrushes are Oral B.  "It has a smaller head-brush than others which makes it easier to reach areas that normally get left behind with other brushes", Stacy explains. Dr. Goodman's favorite electronic toothbrush is made by Sonicare which have a variety of sizes for the brush pieces that allow you to personalize your brushing experience. The only downside to some electronic toothbrushes is they can sometimes be ticklish, especially if gums are sensitive.

Dr. John Goodman's friendly office gives OralB Brand toothbrushes to our patients when they come in for their regular cleanings. "Regular toothbrushes are fine, just make sure the head of the brush is small enough to fit to reach all areas of the mouth", says Stacy.  "When brushing, always practice efficient brushing habits by starting at the gums and working your way to the end of the tooth at a 45 degree angle while brushing in circular motions.  Spend at least two minutes brushing and don't forget the tongue!", Stacy passionately recommends. Our office has great G.U.M. tongue brushers as well so be sure to ask for one when you're in for your next cleaning. Stacy also emphasises that "no matter how great the brush one should always floss because brushing doesn't get in between the teeth, which is where decay almost always begins."   Decay can lead to periodontal disease and if not properly prevented or treated can cause serious health conditions.   

Our hygiene department recommends getting a new toothbrush every three months rather than every six months. If you're not due in for your regular check-up for a few months, stop in and pick up your in-between toothbrush.  Always throw away your toothbrush after being sick to ensure the virus doesn't stick around. Also, be sure you shut the toilet lid when flushing so that fecal matter doesn't get on your toothbrush!  Stacy strongly emphasizes that "no matter how great the brush, one should always floss because brushing doesn't get in between the teeth, which is where decay almost always begins". 

Tooth Paste

Our office recommends Sensodyne or Crest Sensitive toothpaste for sensitive teeth and any other, as long as it has Fluoride in it.  If you have a lot of plaque, bio-film, and calculus build-up on your teeth, toothpaste that has tarter-control in it is best.  However, tarter-control toothpaste has active sodium pyrophosphate that can be very abrasive and is not the best for sensitive teeth.  If you also have sensitive teeth, but want your teeth whiter, Sensodyne Whitening Toothpaste or any Teeth Whitening toothpaste should be fine, just be sure to gauge your sensitivity and switch if there is any discomfort.


Stacy recommends flossing at least once a day.  Stacy explains that "healthy gums should not bleed".  However, light bleeding occasionally can be caused by sensitivity from food getting caught, flossing roughly, or even during a women's regular monthly cycle.  Depending on your teeth and comfort, there is a large variety of floss on the market so you are able to find the perfect one for you.  Dr. Goodman and his staff prefer floss made by Glide because it is waxed, making it easier to get between teeth that are closer together.  Some flosses can shred when going through a tight or crowded area.  People with wider space between teeth may want floss that is non-waxed, spongy, and thicker. 

Mouth Rinse

When using mouthwash, you don't want to use Mouthwash with a high alcohol content.  Having a high alcohol content can cause Dry Mouth, where the mouth is literally dry, causing uncomfortable symptoms sometimes leading to worse conditions.  Listerine Zero is an office favorite for an every-day mouthwash.  Biotene Dry Mouth rinse is a great mouthwash, however, has a saliva-like texture that some do not prefer. 


Dr. Goodman offers easy and affordable take home teeth whitening kits that are available in as little as 2 days after your routine cleaning and exam.  These kits are great for sensitivity and are also melon-flavored.  The trays are made in office, personalized to fit your teeth for optimum Whitening.  You are also given 8 tubes of Whitening gel that lasts up to a year and are able to purchase refills for touch-ups.  Mention our Blog or check in to our facebook at your next visit and receive our Teeth Whitening for $50 (regularly $150) for a limited time only!

The best thing you can do is home dental hygiene and routine check-ups with Dr. John P. Goodman and his caring staff.  Maintaining regular dental hygiene is critical to your overall health, not just the mouth.   Disregarding to brush, floss, and rinse regularly can cause symptoms such as bad breath, dry mouth, sores, plaque/tarter build up, etc.   These symptoms lead to gingivitis and periodontal gum disease that can put you at a higher risk for serious illness, heart-attack, stroke, etc.  The condition of your mouth is an easy way to tell the condition of your overall health.  In busy life today, it's easy to forget that everything in our body is linked and symptoms in the mouth are very common symptoms causing or resulting from other serious conditions.   

Today is the perfect time to schedule your routine check-up, cleaning, and exam with our office.  Dr. Goodman and staff  will provide you with education, rather than judgement, on how to keep your mouth at it's healthiest.  With the latest and most efficient dental care in Kansas City,, you can relax and feel at ease that you're in good hands.  Dr. Goodman is here to relieve your dental fear.  Schedule your appointment today by calling our friendly dental staff at (816)842-8585 or send us a message!