John P. Goodman DDS

Restoring Gums for a Healthy Smile

Feb 26, 2014 @ 12:41 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Gum Recession Gum Disease Restorative Dentistry

There’s more to a dazzling smile than just teeth - healthy gums are important too. However, like teeth, gums that are not properly cared for can suffer disease and decay, causing them to recede. By understanding what causes gum recession, you can prevent it from occurring. Or, if you already have receding gums, treatment can help. In Kansas City, cosmetic dentist John Goodman offers gum recession treatment that helps restore your smile and confidence.

What Are Receding Gums?

Also known as gingival recession, receding gums occur when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back, exposing the tooth and, in severe cases, its root. While gum recession is a common problem, it is important to treat early - otherwise, bacteria can build up in the gaps between the teeth and gums and may lead to periodontal disease. Fortunately, when detected early, gum recession is quite treatable. 

Causes of Gum Recession 

Any of the following factors can contribute to gum recession:

Gum Recession Symptoms

Because gums recede gradually, many patients cite tooth sensitivity as their first symptom. As recession progresses, you may notice that one tooth appears longer than others, or that you can feel a ridge at the top of your exposed tooth.


Restorative dentistry treatments for gum recession vary depending on the condition’s severity. In its early stages, receding gums are often treated with a deep cleaning (also known as tooth scaling and root planing) which removes plaque and tartar that has accumulated below the gum line. Because bacteria often build up in the ridges of the tooth’s root, your dentist may also smooth this area to prevent future accumulation.

If your gum recession is advanced and cannot be treated with a deep cleaning, your dentist may recommend one of the following gum surgeries:

Contact Us Today

The earlier receding gums are detected, the easier they are to treat. If you are experiencing gum recession, contact Dr. John Goodman today to schedule a consultation.