John P. Goodman DDS

Good Candidates for Dental Bridges

Aug 27, 2014 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Dental Bridges Dental Implants Restorative Dentistry

When it comes to replacing lost teeth, our Kansas City dental office provides multiple restorative options. From dental implants to dentures, we offer a multitude of ways to give you a full, healthy smile that will last. Dental bridges are one treatment method in particular that can solve many types of tooth loss. A dental bridge, also called a fixed partial denture, can offer an effective replacement for teeth while avoiding some of the drawbacks of implants and dentures. To learn more about dental bridges and whether you may benefit from them, refer to the information provided below.

Dental Bridges vs. Alternative Options

Before pursuing any method of tooth replacement, it is helpful to understand the key differences between each of the three traditional treatment options:

While each method is effective in its own right, some patients are better suited for one over another. The type of tooth loss, a patient’s dental health, and a patient’s personal preferences must all be taken into consideration to determine the right treatment. 

Candidates for Dental Bridges

In order to be a candidate for a dental bridge, a patient must be suffering from some degree of tooth loss and have the means to support a bridge. In other words, there must be healthy teeth or implants on both sides of the gap. If teeth are present, they must be strong enough to support the bridge and healthy enough to have some enamel removed without complication. This allows them to be crowned by the bridge and, consequently, support its weight.

Usually, the best candidates for dental bridges are those who are missing one or more teeth, but still have enough healthy teeth that full dentures are not yet necessary. In many cases, these patients are also unable or unwilling to undergo the surgery necessary for dental implants. Because a bridge is not installed into the gum or bone, most patients can easily undergo the procedure with little risk or contraindication. And as long as patients take good care of their teeth and gums afterward, a bridge should be able to last many years.

When Are Dental Bridges Not a Good Option?

Although most candidates for bridges could likely benefit from them and achieve a long-lasting, satisfying smile, there are some circumstances in which a bridge is not the best method of treatment. Keep the following points in mind while weighing your options for tooth replacement:

Learn More about Dental Bridges

For the right candidate, a dental bridge can provide a healthy and natural looking smile. Contact us to learn more about this restorative technique and gain personal insight as to whether it is truly right for you.