John P. Goodman DDS

NTI Device for TMJ Disorder

Jan 16, 2019 @ 12:35 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Tmj

Do you often wake up with a tight jaw, throbbing headache, and stiff neck and shoulders? Have your teeth become more sensitive, maybe due to increased grinding at night? This is a common problem known as TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder.

Dr. John Goodman offers TMJ treatment for patients looking for relief from painful jaw, head, and neck symptoms. One treatment option? A unique mouthguard-like appliance called the NTI device for TMJ disorder. Learn more about this small device, and contact our Kansas City, MO practice to find out if it is right for you.

Symptoms of TMJ Syndrome

Most patients with TMJ disorder are between the ages of 20 and 40, and many estimates show that somewhere between 10 to 35 million Americans suffer from painful TMJ disorder symptoms. Could you be included in that number?

The most commonly reported TMJ disorder symptoms include:

What Is the NTI Device?

The NTI device is an acrylic oral appliance that is worn in the mouth to reduce night-time clenching and grinding, which can lead to TMJ disorder, migraines, and headaches.

NTI is an abbreviation for Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition. Nociceptors are nerves that alert the brain of possible damage or harm. Trigeminal is the name of the nerve affected by most TMJ pain in the face and neck.

Several variations of the NTI device exist, but each type is focused on reducing the intensity of jaw muscle contraction. The device prevents the back molars from touching; these are the teeth that bear the most pressure. This reduces wear on the enamel and lessens joint strain and muscle tension in the jaw.

Each device is custom-created for your mouth by Dr. Goodman, and features a snug fit to maintain its place all night.

How Can an NTI Device Treat TMJ Disorder?

In many cases, TMJ disorder is caused by the result of muscle strain and nerve pressure in the jaw and face. The NTI device stops bruxism, or the teeth grinding and clenching, that often causes muscle strain and nerve pressure.

The device also gives rest to over-worked jaw muscles, which helps reduce muscle pain and stiffness. Many patients can experience some level of relief after just the first night of wearing an NTI device.

NTI devices are best suited for patients who suffer from TMJ disorder symptoms, and are looking for a way to reduce bruxism, relieve chronic tension headaches, and treat jaw or neck pain.

Fortunately, many insurance plans cover part or all of NTI device treatment; it is worth discussing this device with Dr. Goodman to see if you are a good candidate.

Let Us Help You Reduce Painful TMJ Disorder Symptoms

If you suffer from chronic migraines, jaw pain and stiffness, or have difficulty opening your jaw to speak or chew, do not wait: contact our office now to schedule a consultation with Dr. Goodman. There is relief for TMJ pain; you deserve a better night’s sleep. Call us at (816) 842-8585.