John P. Goodman DDS

What Can You Eat After Root Canal Therapy?

Jan 10, 2023 @ 10:00 AM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Root Canal

A root canal infection inflames the pulp and roots of the tooth, leading to symptoms such as oral pain, tooth discoloration, tooth sensitivity, and swollen gum tissues. Root canal treatment cleans the inside of a tooth to eliminate infection and restore oral strength.

Root canal therapy is the best way to treat infection and save a tooth. The procedure has a high success rate and minimal risk of complications, but sensitivity and irritation are common after treatment. Here, Dr. John Goodman, whose dental practice serves the Kansas City, MO, area, discusses what to eat after root canal therapy to minimize discomfort and promote healing.

Why Do I Need to Alter My Diet After Root Canal Therapy?

During root canal therapy, infected nerves and tissues are removed from the center of the tooth, and the root canals are cleaned. After cleaning the tooth and filling it with a rubber-like compound, Dr. Goodman seals it with a temporary filling until a permanent dental crown is placed.

Following root canal treatment, the tooth is likely to be sensitive to pressure and extreme temperatures. Altering your diet during the early stages of root canal recovery protects the tooth and temporary crown from damage, minimizes discomfort and sensitivity, and promotes successful healing.

Which Foods Are Best After Root Canal Therapy?

After root canal therapy, we recommend that our Kansas City patients opt for soft foods that don’t put too much pressure on the teeth or surrounding gum tissues. Patients should also select foods that are rich in nutrients, since those support recovery and overall health. Good food options after root canal treatment include:

Foods to Avoid After Root Canal Treatment

When considering which foods to avoid after root canal treatment, it is important to think about how the food will affect oral comfort and how it could impact or damage the temporary filling. During root canal recovery, patients should stay away from:

When Can I Resume a Normal Diet?

The right time to resume a normal diet after root canal therapy depends on each patient’s recovery experience. Many patients feel well enough to consume solid foods within a day or two after root canal treatment, but some may want to stick to soft foods for several days.

After the tooth and treatment area feel well, it is still best to avoid hard, sticky, crunchy foods, as well as foods and beverages at extreme temperatures. These should be avoided until a permanent dental crown is placed and all tissues are completely healed.

Contact Us

Root canal therapy restores the health, strength, and function of a tooth that has been compromised by infection. If you are interested in learning more about root canal treatment or the recovery period, Dr. John Goodman can answer any questions you may have. To schedule an appointment, send us a message online or call our Kansas City dental practice at (816) 842-8585.