John P. Goodman DDS

Signs You Need a New Dental Crown

Dec 6, 2023 @ 07:07 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a trusted restorative dentistry solution. With proper care, they can last 10 years or more. Eventually, though, you’ll need to replace a dental crown. We make sure to educate patients at our Kansas City, MO, practice on signs you need to replace your dental crown. Let’s look at some common signs together and how prompt treatment can protect your smile.

Your Crown Becomes Chipped

Dental crowns, like natural teeth, can become chipped or cracked under pressure. You can minimize the chance of breaking your crown by not chewing ice or opening beer bottles with your teeth, among other bad habits. Depending on whether it’s a minor chip or not, this might be considered an emergency. Reach out to our office so we can recommend the best time to come in and see us.

Your Bite Feels Different

Crowns are an excellent way to restore alignment to a misaligned bite. For example, if severe teeth grinding wore down your molars, crowns can build them back up and allow your bite to come together comfortably. If you find that you don't have a comfortable bite anymore, it might be time to replace your restorations.

You Have a Toothache

Sometimes, the seal around the bottom of a crown becomes compromised and allows harmful bacteria to damage the underlying tooth structure. We might be able to re-cement the crown in place or we might need to replace it altogether. In advanced cases, you could have developed a root canal infection. Before we place a new restoration, we will refer you to a trusted local endodontist to remove the infected tissue.

Your Crown Looks Discolored

Porcelain, a popular material for crowns, is even more stain-resistant than our natural teeth. Patients who choose porcelain-fused-with-metal, however, might notice a dark edge develops around their restoration after a number of years.

You Want a Brighter Smile

Is one of your goals to brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening? If it is, it’s important to know that dental crowns do not respond to whitening. If it’s already nearing the end of its lifespan, it might be a good time to replace the crown at the same time you undergo professional teeth bleaching. That way you can enjoy a youthful, luminous smile and a crown that complements your results.

The Importance of Regular Exams

Though we’ve covered a handful of signs that are noticeable to the untrained eye, there are several more that can only be detected during a professional exam at our Kansas City office. 

During each cleaning and examination, we take careful measures to check the integrity of dental restorations. If we notice any hairline fractures or other concerns, we can catch them early before your oral health is put at risk.

Schedule a Dental Check-Up With Us

Whenever a dental crown becomes damaged, we’ll do everything we can to repair it. In many cases, though, like general wear and tear, they simply need to be replaced. Whether you’ve noticed something different about your smile or you’re due for a check-up, we’re happy to help. Email our Kansas City team today to get started.