John P. Goodman DDS

How Can I Tell If I Have Gum Disease?

Jun 10, 2023 @ 04:05 PM — by Dr. John Goodman
Tagged with: Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious dental condition that should be addressed as soon as possible. If you suspect you have periodontal disease, identifying the signs and symptoms may not be that difficult.

The team at our Kansas City, MO, practice would like to go over some of the most common signs of gum disease. When you stop by for an appointment, we can carefully examine your gums and give you more information about your treatment options and how to prevent dental problems in the future.

Swollen Gums

One of the most obvious symptoms of gum disease is inflamed gums. If you have puffy-looking gums, it’s important to see a dentist as soon as possible to rule out periodontal disease as a possible cause.

Red Gums

In addition to swelling, gums that look red or darker than usual are another sign of gum disease; this should be checked out by a professional immediately.

Bleeding Gums

Gums that bleed when you brush or floss are a telltale sign of periodontal disease. In addition, if you notice that you are spitting out blood after brushing or flossing, this is another indication of gum disease. 

Tender Gums

The infection that causes gum disease, along with the inflammation, can make the gums feel tender. This may be especially noticeable when eating, brushing, and flossing.

Chronic Bad Breath

Periodontal disease is an infection caused by dental bacteria. These bacteria emit a foul odor. Even after brushing and flossing, patients with gum disease tend to suffer from chronic bad breath.

Dental Abscess

Due to the infection of the gums, some patients develop a dental abscess. A dental abscess is a pus-filled space within the gums. It can result in pain, and it may look like a pimple on the gums. Professional treatment to drain the abscess and treat gum disease is required to resolve these dental issues.

Dental Pain

As gum disease progresses, many patients begin to experience dental pain. At this point, many patients go to the dentist so the pain can be relieved. Unfortunately, dental damage has often progressed and more aggressive treatment may be required. That is why it is so important to see the dentist regularly and report the first signs of problems.

Gum Recession

Gum recession occurs when the gums begin to reside lower or higher on the tooth. Gum recession is a common symptom of periodontal disease.

Gums Pulling Away From the Teeth

As the condition progresses, the gums may begin to pull away from the teeth. This is damaging because pockets form between the teeth and gums, creating more space for bacteria to reside.

Loose Teeth

As the gums pull away from the teeth, the teeth may begin to feel loose. This problem will only continue to get worse if patients don’t see a dentist for treatment. Eventually, the teeth can fall out.

Change in Bite

In addition to the teeth getting loose due to the gums shifting away from the teeth, the underlying ligaments become damaged. This can further result in loose teeth, and cause changes in the way the teeth and bite fit together.

Contact Our Kansas City Dental Office

To schedule an appointment to find out if you have gum disease, contact our Kansas City dental office as soon as possible.